Imperative — Повелительное наклонение
to go | идти | Go! | Иди! |
to throw | бросать | Throw! | Брось! |
to draw | рисовать | Draw! | Рисуй! |
to open | открывать | Open! | Открой! |
to look | смотреть | Look! | Смотри! |
to drink | пить | Drink! | Пей! |
to take | брать | Take! | Бери! |
Don’t buy this book!
Don’t open the door!
Don’t ask Jim!
Don’t sleep!
Don’t talk!
Don’t work!
Для вежливых просьб или разрешений используется слово please («пожалуйста»), которое можно ставить как в начало, так и в конец предложения:
Please, come in!
Ask Jim, please!
Sleep, please!
Study the lesson, please!
Work, please!
Please, ask Jim!
Please, sleep!
Please, study the lesson!
Please, work!
И для вежливых отрицательных просьб или запретов:
Don’t read, please!
Don’t sleep, please!
Don’t talk, please!
Don’t ask Max, please!
Please, don’t read!
Please, don’t sleep!
Please, don’t talk!
Please, don’t ask Max!
These are imperatives:
Go. Help. Come. Wait.
We use the imperative like this:
Come in! Have a cup of tea.
Turn left at the post office.
Don’t touch! It’s hot.
Note that sometimes the imperative is one word, but often we give more information:
Help me!
Help me with my suitcase.
We can say please after an imperative to be more polite:
Help me with my suitcase, please.
Hurry up, please. We’re late.
Come here, please.
Listen to me, please.
We form the negative like this:
Don’t be late.
Don’t forget your books!
Don’t wait for me.
We normally use the short form Don’t.
We use the imperative:
> to give instructions:
Turn right at the corner.
Don’t forget your passport.
> to give warnings:
Look out! There’s a car coming.
Be careful! That box is very heavy
> to give advice:
Have a rest. You look tired.
Take a coat. It’s cold today.
Don’t see that film. It’s terrible!
> to ask people to do things:
Come in please, and sit down.
Listen to this song. It’s wonderful.
Pass the butter, please.
> to make offers:
Have another orange juice.
Make yourself a cup of coffee.
> to ‘wish’ things:
Have a good trip!
Have a nice holiday!
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Spell it, pleаse! — Произнесите по буквам это, пожалуйста!