• We use the past simple to talk about things that happened in the past.
• To form the past simple of regular verbs, we add -ed or -d to the main verb:
play -> played like -> liked
• In negative sentences and questions, we use didn’t/did and the infinitive.
Did you play football yesterday?
Употребление the Past Simple
1)Говорим о действиях, которые закончились в прошлом, если есть слово yesterday, указано точное время, указано время суток, указано время года, месяц, год, век, указан возраст, если в предложении встречаются словосочетания со словами ago, last и time, наречия last, first , next , after that , then, если есть придаточное предложение, начинающееся с when.
Yesterday we went to the movie. | |
I rang their doorbell several times. | |
The Canadian singer often sang that song. | |
Tina didn’t sing in the school concert yesterday. | |
Her sister baked this beautiful cake on Monday. | |
John fell and hurt his knee. | |
Yesterday we played football | |
The football players arrived in London at 9 in the morning | |
Не called in the morning. | |
She didn’t work that night. | |
I worked in (the) summer. | |
They married in April, 1995 | |
Gogol lived in the 19-th century. | |
Не started school at 7. | |
My brother played the guitar many years ago. | |
We went to the Zoo last Sunday. | |
When did you see him last? | |
At that time he worked in the Zoo. | |
What time did the match start? | |
First she bought one cat and then two more. | |
My brother played the guitar when he was a teenager. | |
They graduated four years ago.(When did they graduate? Four years ago. We know the time.) | |
I sprained my ankle last week. | |
Mother cleaned the windows twice last week. | |
Did Sam enjoy his trip to Wales last weekend? | |
They didn’t ‘go on holiday to Spain last year. |
2)Когда говорим о действии, используя промежутки времени и точки временного отсчёта, которые закончились.
Paul often fought with his brother when they were young. | |
He often played football with his dad when he was five.(But he doesn’t play football with his dad any more.) | |
Did I meet you in Hawaii in 2003? | |
My parents stayed in the country from June. | |
I stayed there from the beginning of July to the end of August. | |
Our teacher worked at school to the 30-th of June | |
We returned in the end of August. | |
3)Когда описываем действия, которые произошли последовательно в прошлом. Когда рассказываем истории.
They cooked the meal first. Then they ate with their friends. | |
A man without a leg came to the door, took out his wrench, and started to force the lock. | |
She opened her handbag, took out a gun, aimed and fired. | |
Once upon a time there lived a little girl… | |
4) Говорим о людях, которых уже нет в живых.
Princess Diana visited a lot of schools. | |
Mother Teresa helped the poor people of India. | |
5) Используется в предложениях или вопросах, главным значением
которых является сообщение или выяснение деталей и обстоятельств, участников
события или действия.
My brother invited 30 people to his birthday party. | |
Who broke the vase? | |
How did it happen? | |
Why didn`t you tell us about it? | |
The vikings discovered America. | |
My father smoked a lot. | |
They met at the exhibition. | |
We spoke Russian. | |
Не called too late. | |
6) Употребляется когда решительно отрицается какой-либо факт.
I never called him. | |
We never met before. | |
I didn’t touch anything. | |
7) Употребляется, если информация подаётся как факт, который нужно
принять к сведению, или человек считает необходимым выразить своё мнение.
I forgot to buy bread. | |
I didn’t hear your question. | |
I didn’t like that place. | |
I didn’t understand your words. | |
Не didn’t call. | |
Our teacher fell ill. | |
I met him once. | |
I met Natasha this morning. | |
She told me… | |
8) Если в предложении сообщается информация или делается запрос о только что
A bee stung me! | |
Natasha pinched me! | |
Did the telephone ring? | |
9) При описании / определении человека, предмета, ситуации, а также состояния
человека или природы.
Before our neighbour was a circus clown. | |
Не always looked funny. | |
It was too late to call. | |